Saturday, December 15, 2007

Bazarre Bizarre Craft show in SF today

Saturday, December 15, 2007

This actually was a fun show to go to this morning. I loved checking out other sellers stuff, the way they laid out their table, and their marketing materials. It was interesting to speak to some of them and ask them about their products, where they were from, how things were made, and I was also surprised at how many of them were Etsy sellers also. The free goodie bags at the door were so-so, filled mostly with literature on craft making, some of which I don't do, but still, I'm glad we went, not only because I learned some ideas on what is hot to sell, but also we each found some cool handmade xmas gifts for each other. ;o)

A couple of the cute things I bought for my significant other is this rabbit carrot and Egg wrist pad from PlanetTokki. I didn't buy the "squeeky poos", but I have to admit, they were pretty cute.


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