So Patrick is going to India for 3 weeks and probably not staying in the best of hotels, so he told me that he read in his guide that it is recommended to take a some type of bedding to protect from germs and who knows what. He wanted something light that he could easily pack away and travel with on his journey, and I thought about that "As Seen on TV" sheet sleeping bag thing. I knew that I could make it, so I told him, don't worry about a thing, I know what to do.
I went to Marshall's and for $19.99, I bought a Twin set of sheets with the pillowcase in tan color, with a thread count of 320/Egyptian Cotton. It feels soft and durable and half of the job was already cut out for me.
Want to make one too? Here is what you'll need and the directions:
Project Level: Easy
Time to make: (approx. 30 minutes-1 hour)
- Twin flat sheet of your choice (preferably a darker color as so not to get too dirty, too fast)
- 1-2 pillowcases (2nd one can be used for the travel bag)
- 8 inches of standard Velcro
- Thread
- Tea muslin
- Embroidery thread and needle
Step 1: Fold the Twin sheet in half (outside in) and sewed it all together, except for the top opening, and about 8 inches on the top left hand side for the Velcro closure.
Step 2: Measure it for the person who will most likely use it, or if 2 people, just have the tallest/biggest person lie down inside of it and mark about 6 inches from the bottom of where their feet lie (this will give them some extra wiggle room).
Step 3: Turn it inside out and attached the pillowcase bottom to the top of one of the sides of the opening of the bag. The pillowcase was a bit shorter than the length of the twin sheet folded in half, so I just centered it as best as I can.
Step 4: Sew the velcro onto the top side area. You will have to fold over the 1/2" edge and place your velcro on top and sew it. Doesn't really matter which side (hook or fuzzy) of velcro you put on which side, but I put the hook part on the bottom and chose to have the fuzzy velcro on the top.
Step 5: Your bag is complete, but you need to make the storage bag for it, so you will need to tuck in the attached pillowcase inside the bag, then fold the bag in half, then half again. Then roll the bag up like you would with a sleeping bag. You should end up with a Tootsie-roll shaped bag.

Step 6: Take your extra pillowcase and measure your bag by putting your rolled-up bag on top. IMPORTANT NOTE: I started it at the top of the pillowcase because mine had the two-ply edge already sewn (you will need this for the robe closure to close the bag). Cut about 1.5"-2" around all sides to allot for the gerth of the sleeping bag.
Step 7: Before you sew up your pillowcase bag, you need to cut your tea muslin in a square or rectangle and either embroider your "Cozy" before you sew on the applique to your bag. Writing it out first in pencil and using back stitch embroider works the best for me.
Step 8: Center and sew your "Cozy" square onto one side of your bag.

Step 9: Put the two outsides facing each other and sew it together, leaving the opening at the top. Turn your pillowcase bag outside in and your bag is almost complete.
Step 10: Snip a small hole on each side of each seam (4 snips total). This is where you will need to insert the rope or string that will be used as a drawstring to open and close your bag. Take a medium size clothing pin and attach your rope or string to it, insert into one of the little holes you made and move it through the two-ply edge that already came with the pillow. Once you get it to the other side, tied a knot on each end (so as it won't go back into its hole), and you've completed the bag.
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