Monday, April 8, 2013

When you can't draw an animal...

Monday, April 8, 2013

OK, although I am definitely an animal lover, I've never really been into horses like a lot of people can be. But, my daughter's teacher, who takes such good care of Elodie, admired my own handmade purse I made years back and wanted to know where I got it.

After my schpeal on how I make these things, she said she'd love to order one. Problem was she LOVES horses. Well, anyone that knows me knows that I can draw and create most anything, but animals and people are a tough one for me.

We both collaborated and decided on a silhouette of a horse, figuring that would be the easiest route.

First, I started looking online for a horse silhouette image on Google. Narrowed it down to three and started sketching my own rendition.

After thinking about which one was best, I cut it out in pieces so I could use it as a template for cutting out my felt.

Now, I have to mark the space where I can center it on my the front of the purse. I do this by measuring the width and height and (because it's vinyl and I don't want to mark it up), I use my yellow fabric pins to mark the center and area of where I can place my applique. Then to make it apparent, I use plain tape to make temporary borders or a frame of sorts.

In order for the pieces to stay in place when I use the sewing machine, I need to use some fabric glue and place them exactly where I need them to go. Makes me feel like I am in Kindergarten. ;o)

It ends up looking very close to what it will end up being in the end, but after I machine sew it, the stitch and the color of the thread will change things a bit, so I have to think about how I want it to look in the end. You'll see what I mean in the second pic.

Still working on the rest of the purse and I'm waiting on some hardware for the adjustable strap, but I'll update this with the results once I'm done. :o)


I had to wait for some strap hardware, but it's finally complete!


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Redesign and illustrations done by jeynreyn 2009