Hey there folks!
Sorry for the lack of posting. We ended up taking an impromptu 2-week trip to Greece in May, and since our lease is up the end of June, and Patrick is taking a break from his job, we decided to live abroad for a short while in France and Asia, starting this July.
This all came on so quickly, so we've spent the time since we've returned, just planning the whole darn thing. A lot of work, but I'm sure it will be worth it in the end.
Anyways, my shop will still be open for business, as I have a lot of new and really cute items already made, but just haven't listed them as of yet-this pertains to both my jeynreyn and lovemedo shops.
Items will be listed from abroad but shipped from my Mum's house in the U.S., to anywhere they need to go, so no worries on getting what you need in time. :o)
And, as usual, I am always here to answer your convos or emails, whether here or there, so fire away!
xoxo jeyn :o)
BTW-Here's a sneak peek of some upcoming items...

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