Just celebrated my baby (well, now officially a Toddler (size 1T--oohhh!)) girl's birthday yesterday. Can't believe how fast that went, but we enjoyed every minute of it and are still loving being parents to sweet Elodie Olive.
Even though I'm a good cook, I'm a pretty bad baker, but, playing the Mom role, I baked her a Betty Crocker white cake with Cream Cheese frosting, with "Happy Birthday Elodie!" on it, forgetting to put "1st" on there, but I managed to remember the smiley face. I think Elodie either looked perplexed or shell-shocked and didn't really realize what was going on.
It was funny because after I sliced some pieces for us, it read, "Happy Birthday die", ha..I meant to take a pic of it, but I ended up eating the 'die' piece and forgot. ;o) xoxo Momma Jeyn
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