Sunday, June 29, 2008

And the winner is.....(drum roll.....)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

The winner for my drawing is....BnDesign from Holland!!

The funny thing is I asked my fiance to draw the names of those who entered the contest and he said that I should have my daughter do it. I thought, "brilliant idea!", only..she is just 4 months old.

We gave it a try anyways and I held out my hand of 5 folded pieces of paper and at first she just looked at me funny. But then she looked at my hand, and picked up a paper and so the lucky winner was BnDesign.

Congrats to YOU BnDesign, on winning a cute apple barrette, handmade by me. You can check out her handmade jewelry and handdrawn ACEOs at her Etsy shop: or her blog at:

Thanks to everyone who participated and thank you for your comments..they're invaluable! xoxo

See the next posting for entering this week's drawing...;o)


BNdesign said...

^_^ Thank you! (and your daughter of course!!)

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